we all need mentors
A good mentor can change the way we see the world and our future. The Uncommon Individual Foundation provides mentoring curriculum designed to help students, educators, and entrepreneurs succeed, because their success ensures the overall growth and prosperity of our community.
mentoring pathways
The Uncommon Individual Foundation mentors students, educators, and entrepreneurs through in-person and virtual programs.
UIF Mentoring in action
Take a look at the impact our mentoring made in the Greater Philadelphia Area and across the country since 2016.
students Mentored
Mentoring Hours granted
Number of jobs created
mentoring videos produced
Leveraging the knowledge and experience of mentors is a valuable tool for personal and professional growth. UIF supports this core principle through Mentorsphere™ — a curated virtual community where individuals and organizations can connect with mentors from industry, government, and higher education.
Find a Mentor
Be a Mentor

Why we mentor
Founded in 1986 by Dr. Richard E Caruso, considered one of the pioneers of mentoring. The son of immigrant, working-class parents, Dr. Caruso achieved success in business through the influence of mentors he encountered throughout his life. The correlation between his success and the mentoring he received led Dr. Caruso to create UIF as a way to help individuals and organizations access experts, receive personal guidance, and utilize a comprehensive suite of mentoring tools and techniques to help ensure success.
Here’s what our community partners, entrepreneurs, and students have to say about our mentoring.
“UIF has served as a great launching pad for my company when I needed help and resources to keep my business moving forward.
“Our partnership with UIF began over 3 years ago. The impact of our relationship is transformative. Thanks to OnTrack, our students are immersed in the concept of strategic planning at a very personal level. OnTrack provides the opportunity for our students to better understand themselves and the actions they must take to realize their post-secondary educations goals.
The partnership with UIF has better prepared our students for a successful future.”